
At different stages of your child’s development, you have different needs. Our extensive programme of free activities is designed to meet those requirements and is organised by developmental stage (eg ‘non-mobile babies’) rather than by age. Some of our sessions which are listed as ‘Expectant parents, parents and carers’ are also open to babies and children – please read the group description for more information.
Our aim is to make our activities inclusive for all children regardless of ability, however if you or your child has any specific needs or require additional support to access our services please just let your local Centre know and we will be able to help.
For details of which of these activities are available and when they are offered by your local Centre, please check the calendar on the page of the Centre you are interested in.
Use our guide to be sure you find the activities most relevant to your child’s age and needs.
For all stages
Amazing Music Group
Amazing Music Group is aimed at children at all stages of development who are suspected to have, or have been diagnosed with a speech or communication delay or disorder.

These relaxed and supportive sessions utilise musical instruments, scarves, finger puppets and lots more to encourage expressive communication and to improve listening, attention and eye contact. This is a referral only group facilitated by Centre Workers and supervised by our Speech and Language Therapist
- Referral only
- All stages
Bounce and Rhyme Time
This is a story and craft based group where children can explore books and enjoy role play, music and activities based around the story of the week.

This group can be enjoyed by babies and children at all stages of development, so is a great session for siblings of different ages to attend together.
Sessions are either offered within a local library, or a librarian attends the group regularly, helping families to register for library cards, and encouraging the use of library services.
- Drop in
- All stages
Chance to Play
Chance to Play is a referral only group, providing families with a structured approach to supporting child and parent relationships.

Each family agrees their aims for attending the group and these are regularly reviewed and discussed with Centre staff. These aims are achieved through the sessions with a range of play activities, appropriate to the developmental stage of the child.
- Referral
- All stages
Child Health Clinic
These sessions are run by Health Visitors and provide health and development advice about babies and young children.

The sessions provide a calm and containing environment for children and their parents and carers. Parents have the opportunity to find out information about the support offered by the health visiting service in respect of their child’s development, as well as other services in the local area which are available to them.
- Drop in
- All stages
Circle of Security (Parenting Group)
A relationship based early intervention group designed to enhance attachment and security between parents and young children.

A unique approach to a parenting course. Trained facilitators focus on working with parents to help them understand their children’s behaviour and offer new ways to respond.
- Referral
- All stages
Daisy Chains
Daisy Chains is a nurturing group where parents of children with additional needs can come together to share experiences and offer support.

As well as providing important emotional support, the group is an opportunity for parents to share knowledge they have gained and practical resources and information. Guidance is available to parents concerning issues such as, benefits, referrals and transition into school. The sessions include activities based on the educational service Portage
- Drop in
- All stages
Family Learning
Sessions for parents, carers and grandparents providing opportunities to learn together with your child

Norfolk Family Learning sessions are run in many Children’s Centres. They give parents and carers the opportunity to learn themselves alongside their children, sharing ideas with other parents and learning new skills.
- Booking required
- All stages
Family Support
Our Family Support Workers provide home visits and community support

Our Family Support Workers can help families in many different ways. We can provide support to help understand and develop early parent-child relationships as well as providing information and guidance regarding access to benefits and housing services.
- Referral only
- All stages
Messy Play
These are fun-filled sessions where parents and children can explore together through messy play.

Activities run both indoors and outdoors, and we have all kinds of materials for you and your child to explore together experimenting with textures, materials and movement - as well as the joy of getting messy! We also run sessions for school age children during the holidays.
Please note that you may wish to bring a change of clothes for your child.
- Drop in
- All stages
Painting Group
Special sessions supporting parents to respond to their children’s emotional and developmental needs through creativity.

A small group supporting and strengthening the relationship between parents and their children, increasing the awareness of children’s emotional and development needs, through creative activity.
- Referral only
- All stages
Parents As First Teachers
A programme designed to provide information and encouragement to parents.

Our Family Support team help parents to support their child’s development and to gain confidence in their parenting skills during the first years of their children’s lives
Sessions are held in your home, or at the Children’s Centre.
- Referral only
- All stages
Solihull Parenting Group
This is a special group of 10 weekly sessions offering parents the opportunity to learn more about the development of their child.

The Solihull Approach is a programme that is used all around the country and trusted by parents and people working with children. The course aims to help parents to gain a deeper understanding of how children develop physically and emotionally. The sessions provide parents with insight into why children behave the way they do, and how their own behaviour plays a part.
- Referral only
- All stages
Story Time
This is a story and craft based group where children can explore books and enjoy role play, music and activities based around the story of the week.

This group can be enjoyed by children from newborn up to school age, so is a great session for siblings of different ages to attend together.
Sessions are either offered within a local library, or a librarian attends the group regularly, helping families to register for library cards, and encouraging the use of library services.
- Drop in
- All stages
Teenage Parents Group
A group for parents under 20, with children at all stages up to school age

Sessions provide opportunities for you and your child to explore new activities together such as construction, books, and messy play with water, sand and paint (make sure you and your child dress for mess!) We can also arrange for speakers to attend to provide information and advice on a wide range of topics.
We also provide snack time when children are invited to sit together and enjoy a healthy snack and drink together.
Twins Club
Peer support group for parents of twins

Community Group offering peer support, advice and information and an opportunity for children to socialise alongside their parents
- Drop in
- All stages
Young Parents’ Group
This group is for young parents under 25, with children aged from birth to five years old.
The sessions provide a combination of free play and structured activities, as well as special events such as, trips to the library, cookery and healthy eating classes, visits from guest speakers.
- Drop in
- All stages
Non-mobile babies
Early Days
Session for parents with newborn babies to support you in those early days.

These sessions offer a supportive space for parents to observe their tiny infants and to learn about how they communicate with you, both through crying and with their expressions and movements.
- Drop in
- Non mobile babies
Baby Group
Baby Group is a floor based group which gives parents a chance to be with their baby in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.

Rooms are set out to offer a warm, relaxing and friendly area for your babies and you to explore new activities and ideas together. These sessions also provide a friendly introduction to other groups within the centre. Centre Workers are on hand to help ensure everyone who attends Baby Group feels comfortable. They can offer support within the group or liaise with the wider team if further support is required.
- All welcome
- Non-mobile babies
Baby Massage
These calming and supportive sessions offer a special time for parents to spend with their babies.

Infant massage helps to build and strengthen the relationship between a parent and child. By spending time focussing so closely on the child, it can also help parents to learn more about how to read the behaviour of their baby, and how the baby communicates with movements and expressions.
The techniques learned can be put in to practice at home with your baby and continued as the child grows.
- Invitation only
- Non-mobile babies
Baby Music
This is an informal, relaxed music group for babies from birth until they become confidently mobile.

At Baby Music we use musical instruments, scarves, finger puppets and lots more to share traditional nursery rhymes – and new songs too. Music and signing can support the development of speech and listening skills, as well as being a fun activity for parents and children to share.
- All welcome
- Non-mobile babies
Babies starting to move and explore
Baby Explorers
Our Baby Explorers group is a stepping stone from Baby Group to our Stay and Play sessions and is for babies who are starting to become mobile and ready to explore their environment.

Babies will be able to play with a range of toys which encourage their natural drive to be active and investigate. We also offer messy play so it is a good idea to bring along a change of clothes for your baby. Centre Workers will be on hand to offer support and advice.
Confident explorers up to school age
Outdoor Explorers
Outdoor Explorers sessions are aimed at babies and young children who are confident walkers, utilising activities in an outdoor environment to support and enhance the parent-child relationship.

The all weather sessions are planned to enable parent’s to observe and delight in their growing child’s new found independence and supporting the children to lead play and develop new skills in an outdoor environment.
- Drop in
- Confident explorers up to school age
Stay and Play
These groups are an opportunity for your child to explore and be curious of new experiences in a safe environment.

The sessions offer a mixture of toy activities where children can play as individuals or within groups, such as, construction, books, soft toys, cars and messy play with water or sand paints (we recommend you and your child dress for mess!). We also provide snack time when children are invited to sit together and enjoy a healthy snack and drink together.
Stay and Play can be a useful step toward preparing you and your child for nursery or preschool.
- Drop in
- Confident explorers up to school age
Wiggle & Jiggle
These fun and friendly sessions involve lots of singing and dancing, learning actions to well known children’s songs.

Mats are set up on arrival and children have the opportunity to practice balancing, jumping and other physical activities with equipment as well as learning to listen to instructions. It is a fun group which gives children a chance to be active and develop communication and language skills and confidence.
This group is for children from confident walkers onwards - younger siblings are also welcome.
- Drop in
- Confident explorers up to school age
Parents, expectant parents & carers
Adult Education
A variety of opportunities for adult learning, either at your Children’s Centre or in the local community.

Courses on offer may include English and Maths Level 1 and 2, ‘Looking Good, Feeling Great’ , basic Computer skills but please contact your local Children’s Centre for further details of available sessions in your area.
- Booking required
- Expectant parents, parents & carers
Antenatal Group
These sessions aim to help expectant parents prepare for the arrival of their baby.

This supportive group provides practical advice and information about what to expect during child birth and the first days and weeks of your baby’s life. We look at the options available to you and help you to make the best choices for your family. The group also aims to support you and help you to feel ready for the emotional changes, as you prepare to welcome a new person into your family.
- Drop in or referral
- Expectant parents, parents & carers
Breastfeeding Support Group
This group offers support and advice to breastfeeding mothers and their families.

The sessions provide an informal and friendly environment where mothers can talk and share their experiences with staff and other mothers. The group aims to provide guidance and advice about breastfeeding, including returning to work, and following on to stages of weaning.
- Drop in
- Expectant parents, parents & carers
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
Learn to speak English in a supportive and friendly environment

These sessions are for adults starting to learn English as a new language. Please contact individual centres for details of local courses
- Booking required
- Expectant parents, parents & carers
Infant Feeding Group
From before birth to when your baby is beginning to explore, these relaxed sessions offer parents advice about feeding their babies

The group provides information about breast feeding, bottle feeding and introducing solid food. We discuss different approaches and help you to make the right choices for your family. We can provide reassurance and support you with any difficulties you may experience.
- Drop in
- Expectant parents, parents & carers
Joy of Food
Three-week course looking at healthy eating and cooking

Supportive course helping you learn about diet and nutrition in a friendly environment
- Booking required
- Expectant parents, parents & carers
Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond
These sessions aim to help expectant parents prepare for the arrival of their baby.

This supportive group provides practical advice and information about what to expect during child birth and the first days and weeks of your baby’s life. We look at the options available to you and help you to make the best choices for your family. The group also aims to support you and help you to feel ready for the emotional changes, as you prepare to welcome a new person into your family.
- Invitation only
- Expectant parents, parents & carers
Smokefree Norfolk Quit Club
The Quit Club offers advice and support to help smokers to kick the habit.

Smokefree advisors meet with people on an individual basis and spend time with them to find out how best they can help. The advisors can provide guidance on the range of support available, which may include intensive support, group sessions and nicotine replacement. They can help quitters to monitor their progress and provide additional support as needed.
- Drop in
- Expectant parents, parents & carers