Contact the Trust
Whether you wish to contact us to talk about the services we provide, make a complaint or praise a member of staff, we want to hear from you. We have tried to make it as easy as possible for your enquiry or comments to go straight to the people who can help you the most. If you review the boxes below, they should guide you to the best place to direct your enquiry.
Services and Conditions
Getting to your appointment

Search for the service you have been referred to and find out how to get to your appointment.
Conditions and available services

Search for information on your condition and link to the services that can help.
Your appointment

If your enquiry is about an appointment with one of our services, please contact that service directly. Type the name of the service into the box to the left to get further details.

If you need information, support or advice about using NCH&C's services, our confidential Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is here to help.
Complaints and Compliments

We want to hear about your experience of using our services so that where necessary we can take action to make sure we get things right.
Media enquiries

If you are a member of the media please visit our Media Centre to make an enquiry or to view our press releases.
Accessing your Information

If you would like to see the information we hold about you, please visit this page for more information.
Work with us

Our current job vacancies are advertised on the NHS Jobs website. For all other enquiries about working with our Trust, contact the HR Support Team.