Complaints and Compliments
If you are unhappy with the service you have received and would like to make a complaint we have a Complaints Team who will liaise with you at all stages of the investigation and will advise you what changes are made as a result of your complaint, what lessons have been learnt, and how services will be improved.
Making a complaint will not affect any care and treatment you may be receiving and all complaints are dealt with in the strictest confidence.
To access our Comments, Complaints, Compliments leaflet, please click here
For a range of translated versions of this leaflet, please see the below:
Portuguese: Reclamações Lithuanian: Skundai Turkish: Şikayetler Latvian: Sūdzības
Polish: Zażalenia Sorani:شکاتەکان Arabic: الشكاوى
Romanian: Plângeri Russian: Жалобы Slovak: Sťažnosti
Complaints form

Our Trust aims to deal with all complaints efficiently and ensure they are properly investigated.
If you would like to let us know about any issues, you can use our online complaints form.
Write to our complaints officer

Complaints Officer
NCH&C NHS Trust,
Norwich Community Hospital,
Bowthorpe Rd,
NR2 3TU,
Tel:01603 697381
Email: [email protected]
Compliments form

If you are satisfied with the service you have received from our Trust we would love to hear from you. You can tell us about your positive experience by completing our online compliments form or you may wish to share your story with the local media.