What’s happening now
Measuring satisfaction about the care we deliver
At NCH&C we are committed to capturing and using the views of our patients, carers, service users and families to improve care. A target for our Community Nursing and Therapy services is to maintain the Friends and Family Test score of 76 and above and ensure that all stories posted on Patient Opinion are acknowledged and responded to within 3 working days.
The ‘Friends and Family Test’
The Friends and Family Test measures whether people are likely to be advocates of our services, based on their own experience, by asking them: ‘How likely are you to recommend our ward, department or service to friends and family, if they needed similar care or treatment?’.Patients are also given the opportunity to tell us why they have given that score and what teams can do to improve. Services now have the ability to print a “you said, we said poster demonstrating that we are listening and acting on feedback. The Friends and Family Test will be rolled out across all services in the Trust in line with new FFT national guidance.
Getting to the heart of the matter with Patient Stories
Patient Stories are audio-taped interviews with patients and carers about their experience of health care, giving them the opportunity to directly tell their story.
Patient Stories provide services with a greater depth of awareness of the needs of the patient and carer which can lead to improvements in service delivery and an improved patient experience.
Learning Disabilities and patient engagement
We are building on our patient involvement and engagement work across the Trust by learning from good practices developed within Learning Disabilities such as the use of focus groups, involvement in developing patient information and how established service user or carer groups can help shape our services.