North Lynn, Gaywood North Bank and The Woottons
Welcome to our Sure Start Children’s Centre
The aim of all Children’s Centres is to work alongside families, communities and other organisations to support children to flourish and achieve their potential.
Our Children’s Centre offers services to families with children under five years of age, living in the King’s Lynn areas of North Lynn, Templemead, Pandora Meadows, The Grange, Reffley, and both North and South Woottons.
Our Children Centre is in the heart of North Lynn. Most of our groups and activities are held at Walpole Road, however we also use community buildings in the local area, making our service flexible to our families’ needs. The majority of our support is offered in the home. Our services are available to everyone, but especially for families at times when life is a bit of a struggle.
To ensure that there are a wide range of opportunities available to families, we also work in partnership with other organisations, for example the Library Service, Family Learning and Home-Start. We have links with adult education and the local pre-schools, nurseries and schools. So, even if we do not offer a service from the Children’s Centre we would hope to introduce families to an organisation that could help.
Our groups are open to all and cater for children from their earliest days. Mums, dads and other carers can come along with their children to Baby Group and Music for Babies for non-mobile babies, then to Baby Explorers as their babies start to move about and explore. Confident explorers can enjoy making friends at our Stay and Play sessions. The Bounce and Rhyme Time provided at King’s Lynn library is suitable for both babies and pre-school children. Other activities, such as baby massage are offered both as group sessions, and for individuals in their homes. For full details of which activities are currently offered, check the Centres’ calendar.
If you are interested in registering at the North Lynn, Gaywood North Bank and the Woottons Children’s Centre, call the Centre on 01553 668505.
Find us

Our Activities are held at a variety of community venues. To find the venue you are interested in, visit our Calendar page where we have a route finder to provide directions from your chosen starting point.
Find your local community venues.
Our activities

Find out more about our free activities available to parents and children.
Our activities calendar provides details of the specific sessions which are offered by your local Centre.
About our staff

Our Children's Centre team is made up of a number of different professionals, who all work together to ensure that children have the best start in life.
Our team includes an Integrated Children's Leader, Outreach Team Leader, Family Support Workers, Assistant Support Workers and Centre Support Workers. Our aim is to help babies and young children to develop in the best way they can, physically, socially and in their early learning so that they can flourish at home, and when they go to school.
Our team is further enhanced by our excellent links with external services and organisations working with families such as, Health Visitors, GPs, Midwives, Speech and Language Therapists, schools and nurseries.