Temporary Worker Service
The Temporary Worker Service (TWS) provides a high quality, flexible workforce of temporary staff for all areas of our organisation. Our workforce includes nursing, administration and Allied Health Professionals who cover shortfalls in staffing due to vacancies, sickness, secondments or unexpected service demands. To find out how to join our bank of temporary workers see below.
The TWS consists of a “bank” of workers, who inform the service of their availability to work which is matched to workplace requirements, taking into account any essential skill set required. We have three “banks” of workers within the TWS; these are Nursing, Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and Admin and Clerical (A&C).
The aim of the TWS is to enable our services to provide high quality care to ensure our patents have the best experience possible.
What positions are available on the Nurse Bank?
We currently have a monthly rolling recruitment advert for Band 5 General Registered Nurses and Band 2 Healthcare Assistants. We also have ad hoc recruitment for other Nursing services including:
• Out of Hours team located at Norwich
• Immunisation team to assist with vaccination programmes
• Flu clinics
• Research nurses
• Learning Disabilities registered nurses and HealthCare Assistants
• Phlebotomists within the community integrated teams and Norwich Phlebotomy Clinic
Work is allocated on a shift by shift basis and if you can offer at least one shift a week we would like to hear from you.
What positions are available on the AHP bank?
We have ad hoc recruitment for various AHP posts including:
• Physiotherapist – within our inpatient units, patient homes and clinical environments
• Occupational Therapist – general and paediatrics
• Speech and Language Therapists
• Specialist Therapist Services e.g. Musculoskeletal
Length of assignments vary and hours can be adjusted to suit the individual.
What positions are available on the Admin and Clerical bank?
At various times throughout the year we require all levels of administration support from reception and filing to project work. Lengths of assignments vary and hours can be adjusted to suit the individual
What benefits do you offer Temporary Workers?
We offer the following benefits to our dedicated temporary workforce:
• Free uniforms
• Paid annual leave
• Access to the NHS pension scheme
• Flexible working hours to suit your lifestyle
• Access to Trust courses to aid learning and development
• Opportunity to work in various locations / wards to gain knowledge and experience
• Paid classroom based mandatory training
• Induction sessions
How do I Apply to join the TWS?
If you would like to join Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust’s workforce of temporary workers and you are not currently employed by NCH&C:
• Visit www.jobs.nhs.uk as all our external recruitment is advertised here
If you are currently employed by NCH&C:
• Contact the Temporary Worker Service on 01263 710589
What are the TWS opening hours?
Monday – Friday: 8am-6pm (excluding bank holidays)
Saturday: 9am-1pm
Contact us
Temporary Worker Service
Norwich Community Hospital
Bowthorpe Road
Telephone number: 01263 710589
Email: [email protected]