Support available for type 2 diabetes in West Norfolk
People living with Type 2 diabetes in West Norfolk are being offered the chance to take part in a targeted education programme.
The programme is designed to “empower” patients to help manage their condition better. It includes information on healthy eating and lifestyle along with advice on reducing the risks of potential complications.
Anita Murphy, Diabetes Specialist Nurse at Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust, said: “Diabetes education courses help people living with Type 2 Diabetes to manage their condition. This is a friendly and informative programme which patients have said they have greatly benefited from. We are keen that more people living in West Norfolk with Type 2 diabetes come along to a session.”
“Those who have been on a course feel more confident about looking after their condition and are less likely to suffer complications.”
People are encouraged to attend if they would like more information about living with Type 2 Diabetes.
If you are interested in attending or would like more information please contact us on 01553 668682 or email [email protected] Alternatively contact your Practice Nurse or GP.
Notes to editors:
Anita Murphy is available for interview on 07833 294 670