Advance care planning

What is Advance Care Planning?

Advance Care Planning is a process of discussion between you and those who provide care for you, e.g. doctors and nurses, a care home manager, carer or family members

During this discussion you may choose to express views, preferences and wishes about your future care.

The whole process is voluntary. If you do not wish to go through the process you do not have to.

This discussion may be prompted by the wish to make plans in case something unexpected happens, planning for retirement, following a diagnosis of a serious illness or after the death of a spouse, partner or friend. Not everyone will wish to do this, which is fine.

What are the yellow folders?

The yellow folders contain information that help you make decisions and express preferences about care at the end of your life. They contain a leaflet (Thinking Ahead My Care Wishes - Information For You) and a form (Thinking Ahead My Care Wishes - My Advance Care Plan).

The yellow folders are distributed by health and social care staff. You can also access the documents at the foot of this page under Related Documents.

You will also find links to What Help Is Available and Advance Care Planning Record of Agreed Best Interests Decision (RBID), translated versions of all these in Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese and Russian, easy read and audio versions and FAQs for staff below.


You can link to videos about advance care planning on our YouTube channel.


Nurse patient folders

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