Becoming a Volunteer

Why volunteer with Norfolk Community Health and Care?

Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS trust really values the contribution that volunteers make to the organisation.

We offer a wide and expanding variety of roles, providing the opportunity to learn skills and put your existing ones to good use, build confidence and gain experience within a supportive and stimulating environment.

Volunteering even a small amount of time with Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS trust can be a great way to make a real difference in your local community.   We will provide you with all the training and support you need to make sure you can comfortably carry out your role, and enjoy your time as a volunteer with us.


Who can volunteer with Norfolk Community Health and Care?

We are happy to hear from anyone who is honest, reliable and compassionate about supporting others. We recognise the value in welcoming volunteers with diverse backgrounds and life experiences.

To join us as a volunteer you will need to be 17 or over, although our roles based in a clinical setting are only available to those of at least 18.

All volunteers will undertake a DBS check, however this does not mean those with a criminal record are excluded as a matter of course. Each application will be treated on an individual basis, with open and honest discussion between the applicant and a member of the volunteering team.

As the volunteer recruitment and induction process takes a period of several weeks, and involves the input of a variety of staff teams, we ask that anyone wishing to volunteer is able to join us for at least six months.


What does the recruitment and induction process involve?

To apply to volunteer with us, you will first need to complete and return to us a Volunteer Application Form. (Please see ‘How to Apply’ below)

Once we have received your application, a member of the team will contact you to discuss your application, and if it is appropriate for an available role, we will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet for an informal interview. 

The informal interview is an opportunity for us to learn more about you as an individual, and why you would like to volunteer, as well as a chance for you to find out more about the specific role you have applied for and the wider trust.

If both parties are happy to continue with your application, we will then carry out a DBS check to the appropriate level and request references.

Following the satisfactory return of your DBS check and references, the volunteering team will contact you to arrange your induction training. Your induction training will cover everything you need to know to get started as a volunteer, including topics such as safeguarding, confidentiality and health and safety.

From informal interview to getting started, the process is likely to take at least six to eight weeks, although sometimes a little longer, depending on how long the checks take to be returned, and the number of applications we are processing.


Can I claim expenses for volunteering?

We are happy to reimburse volunteers for out of pocket expenses incurred whilst volunteering with us. However unable to reimburse you for attending the initial interview and induction training.


What support will I be offered whilst volunteering?

Throughout your time as a volunteer you will be supported by your local volunteer co-ordinator, and where appropriate a member of staff in the team you are volunteering with. You will be introduced to your co-ordinator and local support during your induction.

Further training may also be made available to you during your time as a volunteer, where appropriate opportunities become available.


How to apply

To apply to volunteer with us please complete a Volunteer Application Form and return it to [email protected] or by post to Volunteering Service, Norwich Community Hospital, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, NR2 3TU. To request a copy of the paperwork, please call 01603 272336.


Further information

If you would like further information about any of the above, or would like to speak to our volunteering team please contact us on 01603 272336 or email [email protected]


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