Strategic Transformation Plan
Who We Are:
We are the senior leaders (CEO’s and Directors) of a range of health and care organisations across Norfolk and Waveney who have been meeting as a “System Leadership Group” for eight months. The organisations we represent are as follows:-
East Coast and Community Health Trust | Norfolk Community Health & Care Trust |
East of England Ambulance Service Trust | Norfolk Independent Care |
Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG | Norfolk Public Health |
James Paget University Hospitals NHS Trust | North Norfolk CCG |
Norfolk County Council | Norwich CCG |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Trust | Queen Elizabeth Hospital Trust |
Norfolk and Waveney Local Medical Committee | South Norfolk CCG |
Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust | West Norfolk CCG |
The demographic and geography of Norfolk and Waveney combined with the significant reductions in public funding has rendered the current structure and approach of health and social care unsustainable.
We recognise that unless we as health and social care organisations innovate and successfully implement change together we will not be able to continue to offer customer orientated, safe and sustainable quality services.
There is agreement that much stronger community focused and based services are necessary. We have spent time together tackling this and some progress has been made in implementing integrated approaches to service delivery. There are however a number of systemic blocks to making significant progress in real whole system change and as a consequence the ‘system’ remains fragmented.
Our agreed aims are to change the way we work together to develop a culture of collaboration to achieve integrated compassionate care across the system, to tackle the distress and challenges in the system by developing both sustainable models of care and sustainable financial models across organisational boundaries. We aspire to become a system that has the right approach, commitment and ways of collaborative working such that we earn the right to function and thrive without central control and intervention.
Scope of our Leadership Development Work:
We understand the ability to change, to constantly adapt and evolve entails major cultural transformation and embracing the notion of cultural change is key to change and innovation in health and care services and systems.
We know that unlocking the benefits of health and care innovations will require radical changes in our system including increased active involvement not just of staff but also of people receiving treatment and care in both managing their own care and the co-production of services.
We recognise that to do so we need to move from competing relationships to a foundation of perceived and agreed mutual benefits, based upon relationships to achieve common goals, build on shared concerns and reach agreement to pool power and resources to resolve our complex issues, most of which defy solution.
We acknowledge there are no simple solutions hence we need leadership of the highest calibre in order to successfully respond to the unprecedented pressures we are experiencing. We need to lead consciously and carefully to reinforce the values of collaborative and collective leadership.
Our intent is to focus and prioritise effectiveness across the system as a whole rather than focusing only on our individual or own organisation’s success.
Click here for the Norfolk & Waveney STP – Checkpoint Submission
Click here for The Norfolk and Waveney Principles of Care
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