About our Board

Our Board meets in public every month allowing members of staff, patients, the public and the media to attend our meetings and to retain full and effective control over our organisation.
You can find the dates and locations of these monthly meetings within the What's Happening section of this site.
As with all NHS boards, the Board of NCH&C comprises Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and a Chair. Together they share corporate responsibility for all of the Board's decisions. Find out more about each Board member.
In more detail, the role of our Board is to:
Be collectively responsible for adding value to the organisation, for promoting the success of the organisation by directing and supervising the organisation’s affairs
Provide active leadership of the organisation within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enable risk to be assessed and managed
Set the organisation’s strategic aims, ensure that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the organisation to meet its objectives, and review management performance
Set the organisation’s values and standards and ensure that its obligations to patients, the local community and the Secretary of State are understood and met.
Further documents providing information about how and why the Board operates can be found in the Related Documents section below.
Meet the Board

The Trust has an experienced senior executive team, which we believe is vital to achieving the best outcomes for our local patients, for motivating our workforce and for delivering high quality services.
Board papers

The Board meets monthly to retain full and effective control over our organisation.
Board Papers are available to the public five working days before the Board meet.
Board meetings

The Board meets in public on the last Wednesday of every month. Please view our events calendar for dates, times and venue.