Priorities and performance

The Board has agreed a number of strategic priorities in the categories of Improving Our Quality, Enabling Our People and Securing The Future to achieve our Trust’s vision.
From our strategic objectives flow our annual priorities.
The Annual Priorities for 2017/18 are:
Improving Quality through
To ensure patients are at the heart of all our services and reshaping how we provide care to help us move from 'Good' to 'Outstanding'.
Enabling Our People through
Working together to make NCHC a great place to work.
Securing The Future through
Playing a leading role in partnership to ensure both we and the health and care systems in which we operate improve, stay sustainable and represent value for money.
Read more about our Annual Priorities...
Safe Staffing Levels

Every month we publish information about staffing levels on our inpatient and respite units, including the percentage of shifts meeting their agreed staffing levels.
Board Papers

The monthly Integrated Performance Report and Quality and Risk Report provide more regular updates to the Board on the delivery of a number of these priorities.
Annual Report and Quality Account

The Trust also produces an Annual Report and a Quality Account which provide a summary of performance at the end of each financial year.
Open and Honest Care report

NCH&C provides care to patients and their families within their own home, clinic environments and community hospitals.